Facultatea de Inginerie Electrică, Energetică şi Informatică Aplicată

Home / Invited speaker Dr. Eng. Octavian Postolache from University Institute of Lisbon

Invited speaker Dr. Eng. Octavian Postolache from University Institute of Lisbon

Workshop „Wireless communication in measurements”


Dr. Eng. Octavian Postolache

Instituto de Telecomunicações, University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal


“Wireless sensor network and pervasive computing for physiotherapy”

Book introduction

“Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare. Technological and Social Issues”

Editors: Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Octavian A. Postolache,  Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012



“Dragomir Hurmuzescu” Hall, FIEEI

Wednesday 20th November 2013, from 10 a.m.

All are welcome: PhD students, Senior researchers, Professors


Wireless Sensor Networks and Pervasive Computing for Physiotherapy – Abstract

The pervasive healthcare systems focus towards achieving two specific goals: the availability of e-health and m-Health and medical information anywhere and anytime and the invisibility of computing. Important candidates to integrate this type of systems are wireless sensor networks that are characterized by computation capabilities as so as the data communication associated with different healthcare tasks. In this context the presentation includes a set of systems that obey the sensing and pervasive computing requirements. Thus, wireless sensor networks which nodes are materialized by smart objects with embedded processing and ZigBee or Bluetooth wireless communication capabilities for vital signs and motor activity monitoring with application in physiotherapy are presented. Important part of the presentation refers the software solution for mobile device that are included as part of such systems for physiotherapy assessment. Elements concerning the requirements and barriers on smart sensing and pervasive computing adoption in physiotherapy will be discussed.

Categorii: Uncategorized

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