What are TBU Summer Schools? TBU Summer Schools 2016 are intensive short courses accompanied by interesting supporting events organised at Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic. Participants from all over the world can choose from a wide range of courses in different fields. Within two challenging and exciting weeks, participants gain valuable knowledge, focusing […] [continuare]
![]() Global Transactions and Intercultural CompetenceWhy Global Transactions and Intercultural Competence? Are you interested in learning how to cope with intercultural complexities to improve your career prospects? Whatever your job will be after graduation you are likely to be working in culturally complex contexts. Companies and organisations are increasingly becoming more intercultural and seeking employees with both a solid academic […] [continuare] ![]() Asociatia TEACHING Iasi recruteazaSalutare, Ce faci primavara aceasta? Stim noi! Te inscrii in TEACHING! Asociatia TEACHING Iasi anunta cu bucurie ca isi mareste echipa. Avem multe activitati si proiecte destinate dezvoltarii tinerilor (in special pentru studentii din Iasi), care abia asteapta sa fie descoperite de tine, drag coleg student si viitor prieten. Suntem constienti ca orice asociatie inseamna […] [continuare] Internship Modern PolyglotsModern Polyglots is interested in involvement of young specialists in its business, we offer unpaid internships to students, who wish to work in spheres of translations, interpreting, as legal advice and web-development, as marketing researchers and accountants to apply their skills. We are currently looking for interns for the position of *Office Administrator, Web developer, […] [continuare] Internship la IEEIA pentru semestrul II 2015-2016Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica, Energetică şi Informatică Aplicată oferă o bursă de internship pentru semestrul al II-lea al anului universitar 2015-2016 la sistemul informatic al facultăţii. Ca stagiar la IEEIA, te vei putea ocupa de întreţinerea site-ului facultăţii şi a infrastructurii reţelei informatice sau a paginii de Facebook . Interviul va avea loc luni 15 […] [continuare] |
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